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Our Mission is to return Virtue to Life Worldwide!

The Mission


Our Mission is to get "Humanity" worldwide to a better place. To once again get that feeling of brother and sister hood back we feel deep inside. While historically we are told forgiveness comes from outside of us and as we see it our "connection" has always been within us. Most of the "system's" we have such as religion has a base in control over people and using their "system" as a way to do so.

Removing tens of thousands of years of teachings and fact building will be hard but, it is our contention that through a few moments every day we can change what we see as important in this world we live in. Being brothers and sisters has lost it's importance, instead it has been replaced with "titles" and "money" which degrades the desire to do right.

Benjamin Franklin's 13 Virtues has been adapted to fit our way. This way can be can be called "the way", "The Raven Way" (which is preferred), "universal way" or just about any variation. The Point of this "religious mission" is to get back to before their was a "Bible" before there became rules for entry to places men say exist. The 13 Virtues above have a basic way to try to manage our selves and our dealings with others.

Here the possibilities are not limited by any words and the use of those limiting words are asked to not be used here. None of the "Words" used in "praise" hold those values here. Words of the System and it's assertions that they are "required" hold weight here.

Possibilities can't be limited to a "Christian", "Taoist", "Buddhist" or "standard" verbiage and this is going to be hard to replace. While getting a new vocabulary together to show 'praise" is important, I don't feel it is needed as yet. What we do have is a set of "13 virtues" again adapted to our use.

It is hoped that by focusing a moment during the first moments of your day and a few at the end of your day we all can maintain some virtue and happiness worthy of praise. Our Mission to to get you to search and look for answers from within.













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